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Mohon bimbingan om, saya berusaha buat tarik dari gdelt (pakai script orang, karena belum begitu ngerti python. hehehe). Tapi scriptnya mandeg ketika parsing,

    for infile_name in glob.glob(local_path + 'tmp/*'):
        outfile_name = local_path + 'country/' + fips_country_code + '%04i.tsv' % outfilecounter

        # open the infile and outfile
        with open(infile_name, mode='r') as infile, open(outfile_name, mode='w') as outfile:
            for line in infile:
                # extract lines with our interest country code
                if fips_country_code in operator.itemgetter(51, 37, 44)(line.split('\t')):
            outfilecounter += 1

        # delete the temporary file
    infilecounter += 1

keterangan yang muncul seperti ini

 FileNotFoundError                     Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-49b3df7b3a42> in <module>()
     47         # open the infile and outfile
---> 48         with open(infile_name, mode='r') as infile, open(outfile_name, mode='w') as outfile:
     49             for line in infile:
     50                 # extract lines with our interest country code

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'country/ID0000.tsv'

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file 'infile_name' dan 'outfile_name' Tidak ditemukan, pastikan nama file sudah sesuai

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